10. marts 2010

Mælkesyrebakterier beskytter mod graviditetssukkersyge

En større undersøgelse i Finland viser at kvinder der fik til skud af mælkesyrebakterier havde en mindre risiko for at udvikle graviditetssukkersyge. Tidligere sidste år viste en undersøgelse at det også beskyttede mod for meget overvægt efter graviditet.

Så frem med Kefir, fermenteret grøntsager- ægte yoghurt uden sukker 
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A new study conducted in Finland shows that taking probiotics during pregnancy may help to prevent gestational diabetes. Probiotics are the "good" bacteria that colonize the gut and help to improve digestive health and immunity. Finnish researchers gave a group of 256 pregnant women in their first trimester either a probiotic supplement or diet counseling There was also a control group who received neither. At the end of the study, they found that the women who received the probiotic supplement were less likely to develop gestational diabetes than the other two groups. Giving the women probiotic supplements also didn't lead to any adverse reactions that could harm mother or baby. 

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

Men mon ikke det også er kosten der har betydning for om man udvikler graviditetssukkkersyge?
